The view Nmbrs.Views.EmployeeLeaveBalancesCurrent@nms shows the starting total and the current total.
We have (and I don’t know if this is company specific) two leave types:
‘normal’ - the standard leave that everyone receives and
‘special’ which has no minimum or maximum, and is approved by management each time; for example funerals etc.
The starting total is correct, however the current total subjects BOTH special leave and normal leave from the starting total instead of only the normal leave.
There is also no distinction in the resulting table from this column. Is this an issue with the view or something else?
Thank you for your response. I made a typo in my original question; it should be SUBTRACTS, not subjects. To clarify:
If my starting leave balance is 200 hours and I use 10 hours special leave but 0 hours normal leave, my total should still be 200 hours. However, the view is showing 190 hours.
I think some of those tables would indeed provide what I need, but they don’t seem to be available in Power BI using the connector (I read that not everything is available with Power BI due to requiring parameters). For example:
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