Where to go for the machine parts? (Exact Online manufacturing)

In Exact Online Manufacturing you can find your BOM (“stuklijst”) with the finished product. However, it does not tell you where to go and pick the individual items needed to manufacture the product.

With Invantive Control for Excel you can create a list that provides you with a picking list for a specific finished product. But with some manual labor you can achieve the same result using the free Invantive Query Tool for Exact Online and the limited SQL provider for Exact Online.

  • First of all you create a list of the items needed for a product:
select item_code_attr
,      description
,      quantity
from   ManufacturedBillOfMaterialItemDetails
where  manufacturedbillofmaterial_item_code_attr = 'MYPRODUCT'
and    manufacturedbillofmaterial_versionnumber = VERSIONNUMBER
by     item_code_attr
  • Copy the (sorted) results to Excel.
  • Next, get the locations of the items in your warehouses like for instance:
select item_code_attr
,      item_description
,      storagelocation_code_attr
from   WarehouseItems
where  warehouse_Code_attr = 'MASTERWAREHOUSE'
by     item_code_attr
  • Copy these sorted results also to Excel.
  • Then merge the tables together, using either hard labor or vertical lookups.
  • Voila, a nice picklist list for all the items needed to assemble your finished product.