Background Graduation Internship
Invantive is a software company that creates and sells its own products. We aim ourselves strongly on online marketing so that we only have to use the sales instrument if there is also a need for it with the prospect. In addition, online marketing also works better than cold acquisition across country boundaries as long as you take into account the cultural differences.
On the basis of the experience since 2009 two of our products therefore also support the users with the composing and execution of online marketing.
In 2013 we work with own research on the real time scoring of the online marketing results; we do this on the basis of the “customer journey”. In this way we can give even more attention from pre-sales to entrepreneurial companies that are in real need for a software solution for their company processes. In that model for the scoring of leads we also need to process the offline marketing activities. Offline marketing is currently better equipped than for example online marketing for brand awareness within a relatively small target group. That is why the lack of the relationship between offline and online marketing is a strategic problem. By combining offline marketing with online marketing we can help entrepreneurs even better in their decision making.
Graduation assignment online marketing
Goal of the graduation assignment is also to visualize the offline element of the “customer journey”, to relate it to its online part of its journey to a company solution and to partake in the real-time lead scoring.
Research question graduation assignment
The research question for the graduation assignment is as follows:
- How can Invantive relate the offline behavior of prospects to their online behavior and take this along in the online rating of leads?
- How does Invantive need to provision its sales and marketing process to keep the cost of sales low if the offline behavior is taken into account?
As suggestion we see the following steps in the execution of the graduation assignment:
- Which methods are known in the literature to follow up with the customer journey of business prospects in the Netherlands / corporate services with at least 10 employees both online as well as offline in when it comes to their purchasing process and to relate both elements?
- Which other methods are conceivable (models)?
- What is the theoretical effectivity of the known and additional methods on the basis of a weighing based on a number of criteria that area a representation of the target group?
- Test the three theoretically best scoring methods on the basis of field research by actually communicating messages, expert interviews and customer interviews.
- Which possibilities does Invantive Vision Online Analytics lack to implement the 3 best scoring methods?
- Compile an advice on which methods Invantive should be using for acceptable costs to relate the customer journey between online and offline.
- Compile an advice, weighed on impact and estimated costs, which shortcomings should be taken away first to be able to support these methods.
Expected prior knowledge
To lead you to the desired graduation level we set a number of conditions:
- Education in a (preferably online) marketing, managerial or commercial direction with understanding of how companies purchase corporate services.
- No technician; but someone who works on the basis of facts and research in collaboration with people within and outside of Invantive.
- A grade sheet that shows you rise above the average.
Company culture
A good match between you and our culture is important to us; we work to accomplish our objectives in a manner as pleasant as possible. That is why we are looking for colleagues that fit within the culture:
- You have a preference for short lines between you and your colleagues
- You expect direct and clear communication.
- You do not have a 9-to-5, but a 9-to-6 culture
- You help each other to achieve results
- You think it is pleasant to be thrown into the deep, but at the same time drown in it in a controlled way.
Graduation in Harderwijk with Invantive
You graduate with Invantive. Invantive is a relatively small organization with 12 employees in the Netherlands. In addition, a number of people work for Invantive internationally. Your employment location for the graduation assignment online marketing is Harderwijk. You work here every day, but, if needed, you can use the mobile options for communication as well. Your work activities are within the department Professional Services. The graduation assignment starts in 2014. Part of a first meeting is a test of your immediate skills.