Itgendch510 Please upgrade your front-end application to a version that runs at least Invantive UniversalSQL version 24.0.375.4983 instead of

Upon installing the latest Query Tool & the latest Data Hub Multi Platform from Invantive Data Hub we get an error upon running the data hub:

Please upgrade your front-end application to a version that runs at least Invantive UniversalSQL version 24.0.375.4983 instead of

How can we proceed in this situation?

Is it possible to include all messages from the start up to and including the error?

Here you can find the trace:

08:36:13.766 itgendhb203: Logging on

*** Invantive Data Hub Multi-Platform (24.0.178-PROD+4771) on 09-11-2024 08:36:19 (UTC) ***

(C) Copyright 2004-2024 Invantive Software BV, the Netherlands. All rights reserved.

08:36:19.090 itgendhb204: Connected! Connecting took 5 324 ms.
**** 08:36:20.987 Warning itgendhb173: Context: use *...deleted_on_purpose...*@eolbe;
08:36:21.005 Error itgendch510: The repository can not be opened due to errors.

Backing database of Invantive Data Replicator could not be opened.

The SQL engine is an older version than previously used with the repository. This can lead to data corruption.
Please resolve the errors first and then try again.

Please upgrade your front-end application to a version that runs at least Invantive UniversalSQL version 24.0.375.4983 instead of
08:36:23.021 ValidationException
   at Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Boolean isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName)
   at Invantive.Data.Providers.DataCache.DataCacheProvider.EnsureDataModel(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, AnsiSqlProviderBase provider)
   at Invantive.Data.Providers.DataCache.DataCacheProvider.EnsureBackingDatabaseOpened(Glo...cuteStatement, IEnumerable`1 statements, String sourceFileName, ScriptingLanguageNextStepSpecification& exitSpecification)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.QueryEngine.Run(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String[] arguments)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.Program.Main(String[] args)
   at Invantive.Data.Providers.DataCache.DataCacheProvider.EnsureDataModel(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, AnsiSqlProviderBase provider)
   at Invantive.Data.Providers.DataCache.DataCacheProvider.EnsureBackingDatabaseOpened(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, Boolean includeEnsureDataModel, Boolean loadDefinitionsIntoMemory)
08:36:23.023 itgendhb223: End program execution with exit code 3.
08:36:23.024 itgendhb068: Program finished on 9/11/2024 8:36:23.
itgenpgm001: Application finished

The use of Data Hub 24.0.178 with a repository upgraded to the 24.0.375 release is not possible. An upgrade of the repository of Invantive Data Replicator occurs automatically when a connection is made from a new version.

It is recommended to also upgrade Data Hub to the exact version given in the error message.

This concerns an Exact Online sync, the Query Tool version was downloaded as per link in this topic:

Downloads due to itgendir105 error - invantive

The topic however states that the updated Data Hub link is for non Exact Online usage, thus the latest Data Hub (multi platform) was downloaded from:

Invantive Data Hub

How do I proceed?

Please upgrade all Invantive-products to the exact (new) version listed in the error message.

This does not work, see error below.

Te data hub link in the error topic states it’s not suitable for Exact Online, that’s why I downloaded the multi platform one from

13:13:29.799 itgendhb203: Aanmelden
13:13:34.018 Fout itgenobr342: Er kan geen verbinding worden gemaakt met de database xxxxxx\data-replicator.

Unexpected form action length of 44 characters.
13:13:36.034 InvantiveSystemException
   at Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Nullable`1 isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName, String parameter1, String parameter2, String parameter3, String parameter4, String parameter5, String clientId)
   at Invantive.Basics.InvantiveSystemException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String validationCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String stackTr...s[TSource](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IEnumerable`1 source, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, Action`3 body, Boolean shuffle, Boolean useCancellationTokenFromExecutionOptions, Boolean keepGoingOnError)
   at Invantive.Data.ConnectionManager.SN(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , SqlExecutionStep , CredentialsContainer , Boolean , Boolean& )
   at Invantive.Data.ConnectionManager.RA(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , SqlExecutionStep , CredentialsContainer , Boolean , Boolean& )
   at Invantive.Producer.UtilityBaseCore.OpenDatabase(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String databaseFullName, CredentialsContainer credentialsContainer, Boolean ignoreDecryptionErrors, Boolean& decryptionErrorsOccurred)
13:13:36.065 Vraag: Wilt u de beschikbare databases ontdekken? Detectie zou een nieuwe database kunnen vinden.

De laatste ontdekking werd uitgevoerd op 9/09/2022 6:41:26.
13:13:36.143 Fout itgendhb005: Kan geen verbinding maken met database 'xxxxxx\data-replicator'. De Applicatie wordt gesloten.
13:13:36.143 ValidationException
   at Invantive.Basics.ValidationException..ctor(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, String messageCode, String errorMessage, String kindRequest, String localStackTrace, String nk, Exception innerException, Boolean inheritMessageCodeWhenPresent, Nullable`1 uid, Nullable`1 isRecoverable, String poolIdentityId, String url, Nullable`1 partyUid, String partitionCode, String tableName, String parameter1, String parameter2, String parameter3, String parameter4, String parameter5, String clientId)
   at IDH.B.P(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
   at Invantive.Producer.QueryEngine.Program.Main(String[] arguments)
   at IDH.B.P(GlobalState , ExecutionOptions , String[] )
**** 13:13:36.175 Fout itgenube182: itgendhb005: Kan geen verbinding maken met database 'xxxxxx\data-replicator'. De Applicatie wordt gesloten.

Ga voor ondersteuning naar

13:13:36.175 itgendhb219: Einde programma-uitvoering met exitcode 5.
13:13:36.175 itgendhb068: Programma geëindigd op 9/11/2024 13:13:36.
itgenpgm001: Program finished.

Please upgrade all Invantive-products to the exact (new) version listed in the error message.

For the multi-platform variant of Data Hub this requires to upgrade to the same release of the multi-platform variant (a Microsoft .net 6 or 8 executable).

The Windows variant will not work on Exact Online due to breaking changes in One Exact Identity / Azure B2C.

Where can I find this exact (new) version?

Please upgrade to the following URLs (note that the 24.0.375 release of Data Hub Multi-Platform is no longer available) for version 24.0.390:

Thanks for the link, upon starting Data Hub from the unzipped folder it results in the error below:

Unhandled exception. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at Invantive.Producer.GenericUIHelper.ReportMessage(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Nullable`1 messageId, String message, MessageType messageType, String messageCode)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at Invantive.Basics.ErrorConstants.ThrowOneOrMoreExceptions(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, IEnumerable`1 exceptions)
   at Invantive.Producer.GenericUIHelper.ReportMessage(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Nullable`1 messageId, String message, MessageType messageType, String messageCode)
   at Invantive.Producer.UtilityBaseCore.HandleUnexpectedExceptionDuringBoot(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, Nullable`1 messageId2, Exception ex, Boolean rethrow)
   at Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\smoke\ws-24.0\Invantive.Data.Hub\src\Invantive.Producer.Data.Hub\Program.cs:line 112

The likely cause is that an error message is not being displayed.

The error message can be displayed by upgrading to release 24.0.393 (see below for download links).

The underlying error message probably involves the lack of the new appsettings.Production.json file in `%USERPROFILE%. An example file without further operation can be found at Elastic APM met Invantive Data Hub en appsettings.Production.json.

Upgrade releases:

Een bericht is gesplitst naar een nieuw topic: Itgeobr342 A connection to the database … could not be established

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