Itgeneor362 Access to the OAuth data source requires a valid access token. The access token could not be acquired

When opening a database with Exact Online, the following error message may occur:

eol: Access to the OAuth data source requires a valid access token. The access token could not be acquired.
Only one refresh token can be active on Exact Online for a combination of client ID and user. The lifetime of a refresh token when an associated access token is used for 10 minutes. The request for data was made using an expired refresh token or refresh token that was not activated by a subsequent Exact Online API call.
Please renew authorisation in the user interface. Please log on to Invantive Cloud and renew the authorization on the data container with alias ‘eol’ of the database ‘Exact Online (uk) as …’.

This error occurs because the so-called “refresh token” has expired. This can be fixed as described in Easier renewal of authorizations on Invantive Cloud.

The error itgeneor362 now appears consistently when accessing Exact Online in Belgium and United Kingdom environments ten minutes using Invantive Cloud.

The problem does NOT consistently occur on a Dutch environment of Exact Online using the same software and configuration. The problem occurs intermittently on Dutch environments in approximately 1 out of 1.000 cases of use.

The analysis and solution and/or workaround is in process. We expect that an updated release with auto-repair facilities will go live before Monday.

Within Invantive Cloud extra facilities have been added to repair and prevent the Exact Online database from going offline. More information can be found on Auto-recovery of Exact Online refresh tokens for data containers.

The itgeneor362 error appears to be related to a bug in the Exact Online API when acquiring a new access token with a refresh token and client secret. This bug causes under certain conditions that from that moment on the refresh token chain is broken and the database is no longer usable.

For more details see Itgeneor362 Voor toegang tot de OAuth-gegevensbron is een geldig access token vereist. Het access token kon niet worden verkregen (Dutch).