PRESS RELEASE: Invantive and Diesis bundle expertise

Integration between Invantive and Twinfield

30th of August 2012

Invantive and Diesis have bundled their expertise in the area of project control and Twinfield. Diesis has realized a link between Invantive and Twinfield together with Invantive. This link ensures that data that is used in both application, only needs to be entered in one of the applications. This increases the efficiency and controllability.

Guido Leenders of Invantive en Peter Kluskens of Diesis know each other from the past. Recently they have been in contact again. They quickly reached the conclusion that together they have a unique expertise on the area of financial administration, project administration, implementation and project management. By bundling this knowledge and experience they can deploy themselves optimally to link the software of Invantive with financial software, like Twinfield.

The link ensures that master data, like creditors, debtors and projects, are transferred from Invantive to Twinfield. The function which allows transactions to be transferred is still in development. “In the realization of this link we hope to one the one hand bring Invantive into view with the existing Twinfield customers, and on the other hand to position Twinfield more in the construction and real estate world where Invantive is very active”, commented Peter Kluskens. Guido Leenders adds to this: “It was amazing to see how fast this high quality link was realized thanks to the combination of technical knowledge, practical experience with Twinfield and the open structure of the Invantive and Twinfield software.”

To gain the link a few settings need to be specified. Anyone interested can contact Invantive and/or Diesis.

National Accountancy Day

On 6 September 2012 Diesis is present at the National Accountancy Day in Utrecht. Come for more information on this link to the exhibition booth of Diesis. After registration access to this fair is free.


Diesis is the advice agency that advices organizations and supports in the optimizing and maintaining of their financial administration through the application of IT. The core competences are located in the area of company processes, financial software and business intelligence. The client and the financial function are central to Diesis.


Invantive provides solutions in the areas of financial reporting and front office systems for real estate companies and financial institutions. The software of Invantive provides project-driven companies globally with more efficiency on projects. Invantive does this on the basis of industry knowledge with precise customized solutions, but also with cost-effective solutions on the basis of own standard products.


Twinfield is a provider of online accounting with subscribers in 22 countries. With over 80,000 registrations and almost 40,000 subscribers Twinfield is the first and largest web service for online accounting in Europe. Online accounting by Twinfield is available from every place, at any desired time, through a secure internet connection, for a flexible subscription rate per month.