Question workbook is not supported (itgenarn025)

I got this message every time when i log in. Do you know how I can fix it?

The current owkrbook does not support Invantive Control for Excel formulas.
Do you want to enable the use of Invantive Control for Excel formulas and blocks in the current workbook?


This question from the add-in is perfectly normal due the use of Invantive Control for Excel. When you log on to a database, the Excel add-in will see that the current Excel workbook file has no Invantive Control repository yet.

This question is automatically raised, so you don’t have to go to the Modeler ribbon and enable the repository. Without repository, there is no way to use the Excel formulas and data download options of the Excel add-in.

The following video playlist provides some more background on the use of the Invantive Control Excel add-in:

The playlist is solely on Exact Online, but the actual behavior is identical across all 75 supported platforms.

Invantive Control for Excel is very powerful and scales to large enterprises. The use with the additional Excel formulas is quite simple, but in complexer scenarios and for risk management scenarios it is recommended to use the free hour introduction to get started on use.

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