Retrieve SEPA files Loket

Trying another endpoint (TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId) I get a similiar response. Is this also not implemented yet?


The table ‘LoketNlRest.PayrollRunDownloads.TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId’ must produce data in at least one of the supported MIME-types: application/json, application/pdf, text/plain, text/csv.
Use another table or contact Invantive regarding extension on supported MIME-types.

What is the status on: LoketNlRest.PayrollRunDownloadsSepaFileBySepaFileId. Would that also be needing development first?

The message code itgensgr045 signals that the Loket API specification provides the data on TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId in a format not yet supported. Currently the following formats are supported:

  • application/json
  • application/pdf
  • text/plain
  • text/csv

However, the message does not yet clearly display what the possible formats are. A change has been released that displays the formats that can be produced with itgensgr045. It is probably text/xml with the content wrapping another API-specification, but better to be sure.

Please reproduce the error on February 15, 2022 or later. Include the new extended error message as an answer.

Please also include the SQL-statement used to generate the message.

Can you illustrate what the exact error is with the other table PayrollRunDownloadsSepaFileBySepaFileId? Please include the SQL-statement too.

Tried again today:


select *
from   LoketNlRest.PayrollRunDownloads.TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId('{validPayrollRunId}'
, 'Salary', 'BtchBookgTrue', '2019-08-24')
limit  1000


The table ‘LoketNlRest.PayrollRunDownloads.TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId’ must produce data in at least one of the supported MIME-types: application/json, application/pdf, text/plain, text/csv.
Use another table or contact Invantive regarding extension on supported MIME-types to include at least one of application/xml.

Thank you for the additional information.

We recommend to give delegation for one week to our support team to analyze the issue.

Is there also a SQL-statement that relates to PayrollRunDownloadsSepaFileBySepaFileId?

Sure, how can I delegate to Invantive Support Team?

Lets put the PayrollRunDownloadsSepaFileBySepaFileId on hold for now. We have no SepaFileId to try with.

To delegate to a person please use the email address of that Invantive Support Team-member as described in Access via delegation on Invantive Cloud for consultants. You can delegate to me as first line.

Okay, that should be done now.

A test was done using:

select *
from   PayrollAdministrationPayrollRuns prn
join   LoketNlRest.PayrollRunDownloads.TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId(prn.prn_id, 'Salary', 'BtchBookgTrue', '2019-08-24')
limit  5

But an error was returned due to missing scopes assigned to the Invantive client ID:

Insufficient rights for this request, reason: “Client does not have access to activity.”.
The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

The following query indicates the actual Loket API call made:

select url
,      error_message
from   sessionios@datadictionary
where  successful = false

A request #214337 has been registered with Loket requesting that the Invantive client IDs get access to this API.

Is there any update on this issue?

The current status is unknown. Please contact your contact person within the Organisation using Loket regarding their meeting with Loket.

I got the news this might be solved.

I tried the same query as above and this time I got a new error:

Can’t find the column ‘XML’ in the current list of 1 columns.
Possible alternative column names: DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT.

The issue can not be reproduced yet due to missing scopes on the Invantive client ID. A ticket was created with Loket (#216341) to acquire additional scopes. Once completed, this ticket will be updated.

The error itgenjdn003 was reproduced using:

select *
from   PayrollAdministrationPayrollRuns prn
join   LoketNlRest.PayrollRunDownloads.TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId(prn.prn_id, 'Salary', 'BtchBookgTrue', to_char(prn.prn_payrollPeriod_periodStartDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD'))
where  prn.prn_payrollperiod_year=2014
limit  5

The expected column is DOCUMENT as checked by:

select name
from   systemtablecolumns@datadictionary
where  table_name='TotalSepaFileByPayrollRunId'

The actual XML-document is returned as XML column name with contents such as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Document xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.03">
        <Nm>ACME BV</Nm>

But the metadata of Loket specifies that the payload should be named DOCUMENT in this specific case. An alternation has been implemented for this.

Currently, the metadata also specifies a BLOB and not a CLOB. This is subject to further research. However, research is currently awaiting additional scopes being assigned to the client IDs.

The maintenance of the Loket scopes is quite a burden due to the work needed and the number of individual scopes to be requested one-by-one. Therefore a policy change was introduced; changes to the standard Invantive client scopes can only be handled against a surcharge. Please contact for pricing. As an alternative, you might want to reach out to Loket and acquire a client ID.

There is a metadata issue on the Loket specification for XML-documents. Currently an error will occur on binary XML (itgenrst004). Once the metadata is corrected, the query will work. There are no plans to implement a workaround. A manual workaround would be to use NativeScalarRequests to construct the request in code and workaround the format issue.