HTTP 403 error on PayrollRunByPayrollRunId on Loket: Client does not have access to activity

Some of the avaliable objects (example PayrollRunByPayrollRunId) gives me a “HTTP 403” and “insufficient rights” error.

The owner of the account in loket say they cannot change the permissions.

Does anyone know how manages this?

Please specify the full error message and query, including the itgen... message code.

The query:

select *
from   LoketNlRest.PayrollRun.PayrollRunByPayrollRunId (payrollRunId => 'validId')
limit  1000


Error message:
Insufficient rights for this request, reason: “Client does not have access to activity.”.
The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.

“Client” here means “client application”: a registration of an OAuth app by Invantive on the Loket-cloud.

The original Loket error is:

Client does not have access to activity.

See Loket: tabelnaam voor GetRunOverviewsByPayrollRunId endpoint - 4 van forums for a similar problem.

We have raised a request #209327 at Loket to grant the client application of Invantive access to this endpoint:

When found that approval is possible, it can take several weeks to approve and released into production. There is no code change necessary at Invantive for the additional privileges.

The change has been very quickly approved and applied, great!

The Invantive clients now have access to these scopes. Please re-run your query.

Please note that the Loket user used must have at least the privilege “Raadplegen loonoutput beperkt” for this call to succeed.

Hi Again.

Could the same procedure (raise an approval request at Loket to grant access) be done to the following to tables:


And also this one : SepaFilesByPayrollRunId

Een bericht is gesplitst naar een nieuw topic: Loket privileges

The maintenance of the Loket scopes is quite a burden due to the work needed and the number of individual scopes to be requested one-by-one. Therefore a policy change was introduced; changes to the standard Invantive client scopes can only be handled against a surcharge. Please contact for pricing. As an alternative, you might want to reach out to Loket and acquire a client ID.