Teamleader Empty primary_address_* fields in Teamleader.V2Flat.CompaniesAll but not Teamleader.V2.Companies

Connecting from Power Bi via OData 4 to Invantive Cloud Bridge to obtain Teamleader data.

The fields in table Teamleader.V2Flat.CompaniesAll related to the primary_address_* are empty (null) despite the information being present in Teamleader and most of them in Teamleader.V2.Companies.

Where is the bug?

Fields concerned:

  • primary_address_country → Missing in Teamleader.V2Flat.CompaniesAll only
  • primary_address_city → Missing in `Teamleader.V2Flat.CompaniesAll only
  • primary_address_postal_code → Missing in Teamleader.V2Flat.CompaniesAll only
  • primary_address_line1 → Missing in both



In de volgende release 24.0.307 zullen de volgende tabellen toegevoegd zijn voor Teamleader Focus om dit probleem op te lossen:

  • view ContactAddresses,
  • view CompanyAddresses,
  • tabelfunctie ContactAddressesByContactId,
  • tabelfunctie CompanyAddressesByContactId.

Zie voor beschikbaar ook Releasefrequentie Invantive Cloud.

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