To_date date format `MM/DD/YYYY H24:MI:SS` missing

I have an unsupported to_date date format getting some data from an endpoint…
I would love to see MM/DD/YYYY H24:MI:SS added to the list below taken from the Invantive SQL grammar:

For the time being, for those who may need that, here is the trick: my_date is in MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.

The following SQL expression will transform to DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS format using the to_date command:

( substr(my_date,4,2)
  || '/'
  || left(my_date,2)
  || '/'
as new_date

Thanks for the suggestion. Support for the date format suggested has been added to 20.1.489 and later releases. This is scheduled for release before July 1.