Unable to connect to the remote server. The exception was raised by the IDbCommand interface. Table: DimCodeDescription

Here is the same situation as Refresh Power BI failed. The dataflow and dashboard wouldn’t be refreshed. I can’t share a request ID because Bridge Online is not reachable

This is the error message:

Fout in de gegevensbron: DataSource.Error: OData: Request failed: Unable to connect to the remote server. DataSourceKind = OData. DataSourcePath = https://bridge-online.cloud/acme-exact-online/odata4. ;OData: Request failed: Unable to connect to the remote server. The exception was raised by the IDbCommand interface. Table: DimCodeDescription.
URI cluster: WABI-NORTH-EUROPE-redirect.analysis.windows.net
Activiteits-id: 86a973af-d014-4ad1-9a87-8eb113a75185
Aanvraag-id: bc94ca51-8cc3-7c8b-8c88-d55cec733d49
Tijd: 2024-07-01 13:33:57Z

Can you please try again to retrieve the actual message?