This article describes how to upload a set of business data needed for a reproduction scenario to a support ticket.
Despite our efforts to ensure your business data is not compromised: you must always make sure to anonymize the data uploaded using the SQL anonymize function, random number generators, MD5 checksum or other approaches.
Execute the following steps within Invantive Query Tool or chosen Invantive product:
- Run the query which contains the data, such as:
select /*+ ods(false) */
except description
, amtdebit
, amtcredit
-- Anonymize text using MD5 or anonymize.
, md5(description) description
-- Replace sensitive amounts by a random number.
, random(100) * 2500 - 1250 amtdebit
, random(100) * 2500 - 1250 amtcredit
from profit_transactions@afasonline t
where t.year = 2019
and t.period = 1
-- Limit data set to what is needed to reproduce the issue on hand.
limit 1000
- Then export the results to a file using:
local memorize results clipboard data
local save results clipboard data to "c:\temp\data.json" format json
- Add the resulting file to the ticket.
The support team will use steps such as the following to import your data into a session:
- Load data into an in-memory table:
local load results clipboard data from "c:\temp\data.json" format json
local insert results clipboard data in table testdata@inmemorystorage create
- The data is now ready for use.
- For high volume test cases, an additional step is executed such as:
create or replace table largetestdata@inmemorystorage
select /*+ ods(false) */ *
from testdata@inmemorystorage
join range(750, 0)@datadictionary