Available objects and access in SQL editor

Some of the tables/endpoints I wish to fetch data from ( loket.nl ) is not in the list of available objects in the SQL editor.

Why is this and what are the actions to make them available?

Some of the avaliable objects (example PayrollRunByPayrollRunId) gives me a “HTTP 403” and “insufficient rights” error.

The owner of the account in loket say they cannot change the permissions.

Does anyone know how manages this?

All tables defined in the metadata should be available in the SQL Editor by definition. Some (table functions) might be not shown in Power BI.

When you think table is missing, please add why the table should be present and screenshot that the table is missing from SQL Editor (select statement for instance).

What is the metadata that you refer to?

The metadata of Invantive Cloud is the data describing what you see:

  • databases
  • applications
  • modules
  • users

In contrast to the business data managed for instance Loket in a data container.