Better quality of cadastral land data and business information with Invantive and

HARDERWIJK - Software company Invantive B.V. and have joined forces in the end of 2013. supports Invantive with delivering professional information. This makes sure the quality of the data that are included in Invantive’s applications is higher.

The collaboration means that Invantive has integrated’s services in its own software to be of better service for the clients. This allows for information about businesses, cadastral land or credit data to easily be retrieved. As all the webservices of use the same interface, the client can easily retrieve information from different sources. wants to restore the data quality of Dutch businesses to a high level. They offer several handy online data services for this, so all businesses can easily and cheaply validate and enrich data.

Chamber of Industry and Commerce

With the data it is possible to easily add organizations to Invantive Vision using the CoC number. These steps ensure that many activities are done automatically. The Land Registry can also offer a lot of very useful information.

About Invantive

Invantive has been offering software solutions for companies working on a project basis since 1992. Invantive’s software solutions have been created for companies working in real estate, finance, banking, landscaping, technology and IT. The experience and knowledge of the company allow Invantive to optimize complex business processes.