Download Visma Severa into Power BI raises itgenclr083

When downloading Accounts (customers) from Visma Severa into Power BI, I receive an error:

The remote server returned an error:
(500) Internal Server Error.
Een interne fout is opgetreden van de soort ‘EFC52E’. Neem contact op met uw leverancier.

How can I fix this?

The Visma Severa API driver uses the SOAP-driver, which is in maintenance mode currently. A small change was not included for the SOAP. This has been corrected. Please try again.

Also note that many Visma Severa APIs may return an error from Power BI since they require a parameter, but the requiredness of these parameters can not be extracted from the Visma Severa API metadata.

For instance the table Severa.API.ContactsChangedSince@sva requires a date. Selecting it from Power BI will return an error:

OData: Aanvraag mislukt:
The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
s:Client: There was not enough information provided.
Cannot attempt anything with lacking information.
Need Start Date!

For other platforms, table functions with required parameters are hidden automatically for use in Power BI.

In general: please ignore these errors and select the tables you need, such as Cases for Visma Severa Projects.