How to create a Zoom database on Invantive Cloud?

To establish a connection to Zoom. In the Zoom marketplace, I’m setting-up an app in order to fill the form for the new database setup. I’m using `` as the redirect URL.

Unfortunately, Zoom replies that the destination URL is invalid.

Execute the following steps to create a database with Zoom-data:

  • Go to the Zoom Marketplace.
  • Create an app.
  • As Redirect URL use: (as shown in the picture below).
  • Also set the OAuth “Add allow lists” to

Fill in Redirect URL Zoom

  • Add at least the following scopes: user:master and user:read:admin.
  • Add more scopes, depending on the type of data you want to retrieve, such as meeting:read:admin to retrieve meeting information.

Then go through the steps shown on