Invantive UniversalSQL generic PSQL packages

Invantive UniversalSQL allows for driver-specific PSQL packages as well as generic packages. The generic packages are always available, independent of what data containers are currently connected.

The documentation is primarily available as Data Dictionary views, with names starting with SystemPackage.

Generic package cloud_http: Cloud HTTP utilities

The cloud_http package provides functions to handle HTTP pages. The following procedures and functions are available.

cloud_http.append_line_to_response_body_text: Append text line to body

Append the text supplied as parameter to the HTML body output, followed by a linefeed.

  • txt: string, not null

cloud_http.append_to_response_body_text: Append text line

Append the text supplied as parameter to the HTML body output.

  • txt: string, not null

cloud_http.get_pool_identity: Get pool identity

Gets the pool identity.

cloud_http.get_request_form_value: Get value of request form element

Gets the first form value of the key specified as text value parameter.

  • key: string, not null

cloud_http.get_request_header_value: Get value of request header

Gets the first header value of the key specified as text value parameter.

  • key: string, not null

cloud_http.get_request_query_parameter_value: Get value of query parameter

Gets the first query string value of the key specified as text value parameter.

  • key: string, not null

cloud_http.get_request_relative_path: Get relative path of request

Gets the path from the URL relative to the module specification.

cloud_http.get_request_relative_path_to_module: Get relative path to module of request

Gets an URL path for the current page to the root URL of the module.

get_absolute_path_to_module: Get absolute path to module of request

Gets an URL path for the root URL of the module.

cloud_http.get_request_url: Get request URL

Gets the full URL of the request.

cloud_http.get_request_body_binary: Get request body as binary value

Get the body as a BLOB.

cloud_http.get_request_body_text: Get request body as text value

Get the body as UTF8 text.

cloud_http.set_response_body_binary: Set response body to binary value

Set the HTML body output to the BLOB supplied as parameter.

  • bin: byte, not null

cloud_http.set_response_body_text: Set response body to text value

Set/replace the HTML body output by the text supplied as parameter.

  • txt: string, not null

cloud_http.set_response_content_type: Set Content-Type

Sets the Content-Type header to the text value specified.

  • contentType: string, not null

cloud_http.set_response_header_value: Set response header value

Sets the first header value of the response to the value provided.

  • key: string, not null
  • value: string, not null

cloud_http.set_response_status_code: Set response status code

Sets the HTTP response status code.

  • statusCode: int16, not null

cloud_http.set_template_step_name: Set template step name

Sets the step name to the text value supplied as parameter. Only used with Invantive Cloud HTML templates. The step is shown in Invantive Cloud after the module name in the blue title bar.

  • name: string, not null

cloud_http.set_use_template: Whether to use templates

Sets whether to embed the output in the Invantive Cloud HTML template based upon the boolean supplied as parameter. Defaults to false.

  • use: boolean, not null

Generic package cloud_metadata: Cloud HTTP metadata utilities

The cloud_metadata package provides access to metadata of Invantive Cloud applications. The following procedures and functions are available.

cloud_metadata.execute_module: Run module

Runs a module, specified by application code, module code and parameter values. Output is ignored.

  • application_code: string, null (defaults to current application)
  • module_code: string, not null
  • parameter_1: string, not null
  • parameter_10: string, not null
  • parameter_2: string, not null
  • parameter_3: string, not null
  • parameter_4: string, not null
  • parameter_5: string, not null
  • parameter_6: string, not null
  • parameter_7: string, not null
  • parameter_8: string, not null
  • parameter_9: string, not null

cloud_metadata.execute_module_returning_binary: Retrieve binary output of a module

Runs another module, specified by application code, module code and parameter values. Returns the output as binary.

  • application_code: string, null (defaults to current application)
  • module_code: string, not null
  • parameter_1: string, not null
  • parameter_10: string, not null
  • parameter_2: string, not null
  • parameter_3: string, not null
  • parameter_4: string, not null
  • parameter_5: string, not null
  • parameter_6: string, not null
  • parameter_7: string, not null
  • parameter_8: string, not null
  • parameter_9: string, not null

cloud_metadata.execute_module_returning_text: Retrieve text output of a module

Runs another module, specified by application code, module code and parameter values. Returns the output as text.

  • application_code: string, null (defaults to current application)
  • module_code: string, not null
  • parameter_1: string, not null
  • parameter_10: string, not null
  • parameter_2: string, not null
  • parameter_3: string, not null
  • parameter_4: string, not null
  • parameter_5: string, not null
  • parameter_6: string, not null
  • parameter_7: string, not null
  • parameter_8: string, not null
  • parameter_9: string, not null

Generic package dbms_lock: Locking utilities

The dbms_lock package provides functions to assist in resource locking and timing. The following procedures and functions are available.

dbms_lock.sleep: Sleep some time

Postpone execution for the number of seconds indicated. The method accepts a single parameter indicating the number of seconds as a decimal with sub-second resolution.

  • seconds: decimal, not null

Generic package dbms_output: Print output utilities

The dbms_output package provides functions to send text to an output channel. The following procedures and functions are available.

dbms_output.put: Print text

Output the text supplied as parameter. An optional second parameter is the text label of the channel.

  • channel: string, not null
  • txt: string, not null

dbms_output.put_line: Print line of text

Output the text supplied as parameter and add a linefeed. An optional second parameter is the text label of the channel.

  • channel: string, not null
  • txt: string, not null

Generic package dbms_audit: Audit utilities

The dbms_audit package provides functions to increase serviceability by auditing events. The following procedures and functions are available.

dbms_audit.register_event: Register an audit event.

Output the text supplied as parameter as a system message.


  • message_code: Code of the message.
  • txt: string, not null, Text of audit event.
  • natural_key: string, Natural key.
  • reference_key: string, Key of referenced record.
  • reference_table_code: string, Table code of referenced record.
  • gui_action: string, GUI action.
  • gui_module: string, GUI module name and version (obsoleted).
  • gui_module_name: string, GUI module name.
  • gui_module_version: string, GUI module version.
  • partition: string, Partition code.
  • provider_name: string, Name of the provider.
  • session_id: string, Session ID.
  • data_container_id: string, Data container ID.
  • message_uid, guid, Non-unique message ID.
  • sql_statement: string, SQL statement.
  • application_name: string, Application name and version.
  • application_user: string, Application user.

Generic package dbms_trace: Trace logging utilities

The dbms_trace package provides functions to increase serviceability by logging events. The following procedures and functions are available.

dbms_trace.put_line: Print line of logging

Output the text supplied as parameter to trace logging.

  • txt: string, not null

dbms_trace.register_exception: Register exception

Register the current exception on Invantive Cloud, even when suppressed by an exception block. Only valid within an exception block.

Generic package excel: Excel package

The Excel package enables generation of Excel workbooks. The following procedures and functions are available.

excel.add_worksheet: Add worksheet

Add a worksheet to an Excel workbook.

  • name: string, not null. Valid name for Excel worksheet.
  • workbook: object, not null. Reference to Excel workbook.

excel.autofit_worksheet: Adapt worksheet columns’ width

Adapt worksheet columns’ width to contents.

  • worksheet: object, not null

excel.close: Close the workbook

Close the workbook.

  • workbook: object, not null

excel.export_to_xlsx: Export to XLSX

Export the current contents of an Excel workbook as an XLSX-file.

  • workbook: object, not null

excel.fill_using_query: Store query results in workbook

Store the output of a query in an Excel workbook.

  • addHeader: boolean, null, default True. Whether to add a header row.
  • dataRangeName: string, null. Name of named range to create for the contents.
  • query: string, not null. Invantive UniversalSQL query which returns intended contents.
  • startPosition: string, null, default A1. Intended top-left start position in Excel single cell notation.
  • worksheet: object, not null. Reference to Excel workbook. Create new workbook

Create an empty Excel workbook which can be filled using the excel package.

excel.set_cell_contents: Set the contents of a cell

Set the contents of a cell.

  • cell: string, not null
  • value: object, not null
  • worksheet: object, not null

excel.set_worksheet_name: Set worksheet name

Set the worksheet’s name.

  • name: string, not null
  • worksheet: object, not null