Itgenuty311 and itgenuty512 Email address is invalid, then loop

At first I got to see this message about invalid email and if I want to correct them.
So, I did and press OK, but it turns back to the first menu.


One or more of the provided email addresses … are invalid.
Do you want to correct them now?


A connection to the database … could not be established as user …
One or more of the provided email addresses … are invalid.
In order to use the application you need to provide a valid email address.

De foutmelding treedt op doordat de domeinnaam van het e-mailadres geen geldig zogenaamd “A-record” meer heeft in DNS. Dit probleem lijkt voor deze domeinnaam op te treden voor het eerst op 11 mei om 08:00 CET. De voorgaande dag om 19:00 CET kon wel voor het domein een DNS A-record gevonden worden.

De controle op DNS-record geeft wisselende uitkomsten; hetzij de DNS-server geeft terug dat er geen A of MX DNS-record is, hetzij enige tijd later wel.

Mogelijkerwijs heeft er de afgelopen twee weken een DNS-verandering plaatsgevonden door uw beheerorganisatie.

Eerste advies is om in ieder geval een recente 22.0-release te gebruiken; deze is te downloaden vanaf

Tweede advies is om bij uw IT-organisatie na te gaan of de externe DNS-server van uw organisatie stabiel draait.

Daarnaast zullen we uw domeinnaam opnemen als een geldige domeinnaam; dit zal met de volgende release van de back-office systemen geactiveerd worden.

There was issue with DNS records on May 11. Most of records was lost.

Maybe you could tell what necessary “A” record should be added to domain?

What name should be for it and where it should point?

An email address to be used with Invantive user registration must meet a number of requirements, including:

  • be a business email address, not a temporary or consumer email address such as,
  • have a DNS registration either through a MX-record or A-record for the exact domain name after the at-sign ‘@’.

Most organizations will have a MX-record to enable mail delivery, but this is not always the case how deviating it may sound. The DNS-records for a domain are queried through DNS and cached when found for a number of hours. However, when DNS lookup fails, that failure will be memorized too for some time to avoid running the same DNS-query over and over.

Please make sure the authoritative DNS-server reliably returns a value. In general parties such as CloudFlare and AWS provide reliable and fast DNS resolution.

DNS A-record is corrected now, but still doesn’t work. The same error message.

Is there any logs where we could see more details regarding this errors, where it tries to connect (mail server and etc…)?

Also, how application access senders email? Is there some configuration file or settings? From current application window I can only see email address and password.

There is no publicly accessible log for these checks.

We have performed an analysis of the current DNS queries based upon the logs. In the next release of the license service we will include logic to reduce caching on fluctuating DNS-results. This should reduce the probability of fluctuating DNS-query results leading to production issues.

Once deployed, this topic will be updated.

Maybe you know when update will be deployed?

Because currently we cannot use application and it’s critical issue.

A new release of the back-office has been deployed and the new logic should improve email address validation even when the DNS-results vary.

Please add an answer on the outcome of application use when available.

Thank You! All looks to be working now.

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