License/subscription check for all products


We were informed that we have an unnecessary double license situation going on. Therefor I’d like to check our license and/or subscription numbers of all Invantive products we use on multiple machines.

What’s the easiest way to check the licenses? And does all software automatically sync license if you install a second or third product?

Currently I’m checking the subscription number as shown in red on the picture. I can reference this back to

Each agreement has a unique code, typically 10 characters long and starting with a ‘L’. For each agreement, there can be one or more license keys. These can be recognized by a very long text, the so-called “serial code” (2.000 characters) and/or a serial number, typically starting with ‘13…’. The serial number is the unique identifier of the license key.

The license key serial number can be used to identify a license, but not to install it. The installation requires the long serial code.

On Invantive Cloud you can find the license key within your subscriptions. In the details you can see when the license key was generated and whether it will expire and/or has expired, plus the reason.

Sadly enough the current release does not display when the license key was last used. An enhancement request has been registered for that (ITGEN-5251).

Each product installation by default uses a separate license key. You can configure per Data Hub batch job different license key using the licensekey command line option or share them instead using the same mechanism.

The effective license key serial number can be seen in the trace logging. It is currently nowhere else visible.