It seems my datacontainer is broken and requires repairing by renewing my credentials.
However, when I fill in my login username and API token and Save, nothing changes or is repaired.
Is it something simple I am overlooking?
It seems my datacontainer is broken and requires repairing by renewing my credentials.
However, when I fill in my login username and API token and Save, nothing changes or is repaired.
Is it something simple I am overlooking?
Do you also get an itgennl023
error as described in Foutmelding Datacontainer moet gerepareerd worden ook na vernieuwen autorisatie (itgennnl023) ?
A short test was done on our own Nmbrs-environment, but no problem appeared. However, internally we see complaints due to passwords seemingly getting broken when using Visma Connect to log on to Nmbrs.
This seems to be the same issue I have currently. I do not know if this resides with Nmbrs/Visma however, as immediately after filling in my credentials again, the button ‘Renew Authorisation’ does not dissappear and it does not seem it is being reevaluated. Is that normal? I have tried authorising with different Nmbrs accounts and thus different API tokens, but the same happens every time.
Ik heb hetzelfde sinds 19 december. Wat kunnen we het beste doen @Invantive?
It seems that some Nmbrs-users are confronted with this, but that it does not apply to all Nmbrs-users. It might be related due to changes for Visma Connect, but also something different.
For reproduction purposes, please call Invantive by phone. We will provide you with a way to provide your credentials to us to allow analysis. When a simple workaround exists, we will implement that and describe here. Otherwise, the topic will be extended with the actual problem on Nmbrs and Nmbrs Support must be involved after that by the individual users which have this issue.
Please note that we are currently in our frozen period. There are no releases scheduled to avoid users to run into problems due to a new release being implemented.
This question was automatically closed after at least 1 week of inactivity after a possible solution was provided. The last answer given has been marked as a solution.
Please ask a new question via a separate topic if the problem occurs again. Please include a link to this topic in the new question by pasting its URL into the text.
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