Process non-default translations of GL Accounts in Exact Online

With REST API enables retrieval of translations through financial/GLAccounts endpoint:

Door CustomDescriptionLanguage=‘[ NL | FR-BE | NL-BE | … ]’ toe te voegen in de headers, krijg je ook de vertalingen van de grootboekrekeningen terug.

Is it possible to make this available?

We will try to ascertain that the logic is guaranteed by Exact Online to work and to be supported.

As of late 2022, the use of multiple languages for translations through the Exact Online API seems unreliable and poorly implemented. Since it may be a cause for incorrect bug report and/or dissatisfied users on Invantive Cloud, there are no plans to implement this idea.

As an alternative, you can consider to use NativeScalarRequests@eol to implement the logic over the established secure connection to the Exact Online API server.