There is already an object named '_pk in the database

Ik krijg regelmatig dit soort meldingen. Waar komt dit vandaan of waar moet ik zoeken om het op te lossen/te voorkomen?

De tabel kan niet worden gemaakt. (Timetracking_2024).
Onderhoud van de tabel ‘Timetracking_2024’ is mislukt.
There is already an object named ‘Timetracking_2024_pk’ in the database

Is het mogelijk om de volledige foutmelding met codes, evenals de stappen voor reproductie (SQL-script) toe te voegen?

I have the same problem with copying data from Autotask to SQL Server:

create or replace table api_opportunities@sql
select *
from   opportunities_itemsuserdefinedfields@at t
pivot  ( max(t.value)
         for in 
         ( xxx, yyy, zzz ) 

Error is:

The table can not be created.
Maintenance of the table ‘API_OPPORTUNITIES’ failed.
There is already an object named ‘API_OPPORTUNITIES_pk’ in the database.
Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.

Call stack:

   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection, Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean callerHasConnectionLock, Boolean asyncClose)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj, Boolean& dataReady)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteNonQueryTds(String methodName, Boolean async, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.InternalExecuteNonQuery(TaskCompletionSource`1 completion, Boolean sendToPipe, Int32 timeout, Boolean asyncWrite, String methodName)
   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
   at Invantive.Data.AnsiSqlProviderBase.C.A(Connection)
   at Invantive.Data.AnsiSqlProviderBase.ExecuteWithRetry[T](GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, Connection connection, ConnectionContext context, Func`2 action, Int32 maxAttempts, Int64 sleepOnRetryMs, String originMethod, Int32 originLineNumber)
   at Invantive.Data.AnsiSqlProviderBase.PassthroughSqlAction(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, String actionSql, ParameterList parameters, String loggingTableName)
   at Invantive.Data.Providers.SqlServer.SqlServerProvider.EnsureTableExists(GlobalState owner, ExecutionOptions executionOptions, SqlExecutionStep sqlExecutionStep, String nonStandardizedPartitionCode, TableSpecification tableSpecification, Int32 preferredSqlDdlPerBatch)

First tried workaround was drop the table using drop table api_opportunities@sql, but that did not solve the issue.

It only occurs on this SQL-statement. Other create or replace statements are working fine. We are using Invantive Data Hub 24.0.324-PROD+4922.

The table has the following fields:

id (int64, True), advancedField1 (double, True), advancedField2 (double, True), advancedField3 (double, True), advancedField4 (double, True), advancedField5 (double, True), amount (double, True), assessmentScore (double, True), barriers (string, True), closedDate (datetime, True), companyID (int32, True), contactID (int32, True), cost (double, True), createDate (datetime, True), creatorResourceID (int32, True), description (string, True), helpNeeded (string, True), impersonatorCreatorResourceID (int32, True), lastActivity (datetime, True), leadSource (int32, True), lossReason (int32, True), lossReasonDetail (string, True), lostDate (datetime, True), market (string, True), monthlyCost (double, True), monthlyRevenue (double, True), nextStep (string, True), onetimeCost (double, True), onetimeRevenue (double, True), opportunityCategoryID (int32, True), organizationalLevelAssociationID (int32, True), ownerResourceID (int32, True), primaryCompetitor (int32, True), probability (int32, True), productID (int32, True), projectedCloseDate (datetime, True), promisedFulfillmentDate (datetime, True), promotionName (string, True), quarterlyCost (double, True), quarterlyRevenue (double, True), rating (int32, True), relationshipAssessmentScore (double, True), revenueSpread (int32, True), revenueSpreadUnit (string, True), salesOrderID (int32, True), salesProcessPercentComplete (double, True), semiannualCost (double, True), semiannualRevenue (double, True), stage (int32, True), startDate (datetime, True), status (int32, True), technicalAssessmentScore (double, True), throughDate (datetime, True), title (string, True), totalAmountMonths (int32, True), useQuoteTotals (boolean, True), winReason (int32, True), winReasonDetail (string, True), yearlyCost (double, True), yearlyRevenue (double, True)

That is weird, since the new columns from the UDFs (see pivot) are missing here.

Second workaround tried was to remove the table directly from SQL Server Management Studio. And then re-run the job.

That did the job.

Looking back, there was another table previously also named api_opportunities with the column list above, without the UDFs.

It seems as if the previously created table was not dropped / removed correctly and replaced by one including the new columns.

Workaround seems to be to drop the table causing problems from SQL Server Management Studio.

Dit zijn de SQL statements:

create or replace table [Timetracking_2024]@sqlserver
select A.* 
,      sysdateutc update 
from   Teamleader.V2.TimeTracking@teamleader A
where  A.started_at >= to_date('20240101', 'YYYYMMDD') 
and    A.started_at <= to_date('20241231', 'YYYYMMDD')
create or replace table [Timetracking_Materials_2024]@sqlserver
,      b.*
,      sysdateutc update 
from   TimeTracking_2024@sqlserver A
join   Teamleader.V2.TimeTrackingMaterialsByTimeTrackingId@teamleader( b
where  A.started_at >= to_date('20240101', 'YYYYMMDD') 
and    A.started_at <= to_date('20241231', 'YYYYMMDD')

Aanroep vanuit een batchbestand met:

echo on
set maand=%date:~6,2%
set Bestandsnaam=log/2024_%maand%_TT_planning.txt
set Start= Start , %date%, %time%,
set app=

echo %Bestandsnaam%
echo TT_Planning_2024 %Start%

curl.exe -v --user .....:.....@ %app%

set Eind=Eind , %date% , %time% 
echo TT_Planning 2024 %Start% %Eind%  >> %Bestandsnaam%


Data in SQLServer voor betreffende bestand kan je soms niet verwijderen/hernoemen. Soms ook een foutmelding in batchbestand dat de tabel niet gedropt kan worden.

SQL server met data en instellingen is al maanden hetzelfde, inclusief aanroepen van apps met batchbestand.

Het lukt niet om het probleem hiermee te reproduceren.

Is het mogelijk om de volledige foutmelding inclusief foutcode toe te voegen?

Is het mogelijk om een afdruk toe te voegen van de tabelstructuur via SQL Server Management Studio van de betrokken tabellen waarbij de mappen “Keys” en “Indexes” geopend zijn voor de tabellen de rest gesloten?

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