DataFormat.Error: Es wurde die Eigenschaft “c_zustandiges_team” erwartet, aber der OData-Dienst hat die Eigenschaft in den Antwortdaten ausgelassen

We have every 2 weeks problems with loading teamleader data. It takes every time ridiculous long and we got often errors.

Today it cannot load a custom field in project table.

We even think about changing our CRM System only because of the Reporting Issues.

Error: DataFormat.Error: Es wurde die Eigenschaft “c_zustandiges_team” erwartet, aber der OData-Dienst hat die Eigenschaft in den Antwortdaten ausgelassen. Dies kann verschiedene Gründe haben und bedeutet nicht zwingend, dass die Daten nicht vorhanden sind oder einen Standardwert aufweisen.

This is a Power Query-side error. It indicates that the column introduced for the custom field c_zustandiges_team was defined but not found in the rows.

This error might occur when custom fields are changed in Teamleader, for instance by adding, renaming or removing custom fields.

Note that custom fields in Teamleader have no code, solely a label, and that this label is used to generate the column name. Changes in the label will lead to a new data model.

It is recommended when changes have been made to the custom fields to purge the data model provided to Power Query using the “Reset cache” button in Invantive Bridge Online’s top-right menu. For performance reasons, it is updated only every seven days by default.

It is recommended to create a separate topic for the performance issues, but please note that Teamleader is notoriously known for low throughput when custom fields are used in combination with many rows in a table. Therefore extra attention is given to this area during the free explanation session, but sometimes extra help by one of our partners or us is necessary.

Performance can typically be improved by applying filters and replacing Teamleader V1 usage by Teamleader V2 (with more fields available in the 100x times faster tables with no Flat in the name).

An alternative is to publish the report to and set to refresh daily. This moves the refresh moment to non-interactive, presenting you with the data after the refresh was completed by


We didn’t change anything on teamleader or PowerBI side.

But field is gone in PowerBI or occurs with “error”,

Emptying Cache in Teamleader and PowerBI didn’t help.

It is recommended to also clear the Bridge Online cache as described above.

As a check you can also execute the query in Bridge Online Monitoring Details using the UniversalSQL-editor. In the editor check whether the column is present.

We did empty the PowerBI and Bridge Online Cache.
Using the UniversalSQL ist Column is also missing in Bridge Online.

When understood correctly the column was present in an unspecified table previously on the Teamleader driver and is now missing.

It is recommended to schedule a consult using The costs of this consult will only be invoiced when the cause is not a regression bug of the Invantive software.

Yes, it is a column of the ProjectsAll-table in V2Flat schema.
We don’t want to pay a consultant for a bug fix.

As said, the costs of this consult will only be invoiced when the cause is not a regression bug of the Invantive software.

Custom fields are often quite tricky. A change on the Teamleader API might cause this issue, or maybe some other reason. That is why there is always a chance it is out of our control. If it is an bug on our end, no costs will be charged for the consult.

And if it is a bug on Teamleader side?

When it is a bug caused by Teamleader the personal assistance itself is in general not covered by the subscription. In this case it is not a fixed rule and will be looked at an individual basis.

However, when a platform product introduces a bug there will be in general multiple reports on it.

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