When running ETL, the following error message is displayed:
itgencsu003 / itgencsu004
Het abonnement is bedoeld voor interactief gebruik.
Gebruik het abonnement interactief binnen uw verlengde kantooruren.
How can I solve this?
When running ETL, the following error message is displayed:
itgencsu003 / itgencsu004
Het abonnement is bedoeld voor interactief gebruik.
Gebruik het abonnement interactief binnen uw verlengde kantooruren.
How can I solve this?
This is an error message in Dutch. It is recommended to change the language of the user to the desired language in Invantive Cloud.
The subscription used is for consultancy purposes. Consultancy subscriptions are free, but are limited. For instance, they are intended for test and implementation use and not for production purposes.
For this reason, it is not possible to use them outside of extended office hours.
In case you want to refresh a data set on a consultancy subscription, please trigger the download during extended office hours manually or through the Power Platform such as powerbi.com.
In case the use is for production purposes, the most chosen alternatives are:
Thanks for your answer. The meaning was indeed to subscribe for an Invantive Office for Entrepreneurs subscription but as I can see, after the free trial of 180 days, it automatically switched to a consultancy subscription.
Can you please provide me all the useful information for subscribing to the “Invantive Office for Entrepreneurs” ?
Also, which range of hours do you mean by “extended office hours” ?
A co-worker will reach out to you for the correct subscription options.
Extended office hours are defined for this check as 07:00 - 22:00 in local time zone.
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