We are trying to activate a new license key we received a couple of days ago. It says the key is valid, but when we close the license window we get this error.
Thank you for evaluating our license. You have declined the terms of the license. Invantive Compositon for Word will be disabled.
Your license is valid.
The license does not expire.
Thank you for evaluating our license.
You have declined the terms of the license.
Invantive Composition for Word will be disabled.
You can approve the license when you start Invantive Composition for Word again.
General recommendation is to upgrade the release of Invantive Composition for Word. The release shown is no longer actively supported.
The message shown is in new releases identified by the message code itgenlic186 (itgenlic187 on non-Office products). The message is in recent releases shown when the “Agree” button on the bottom right is selected. This button seems to be missing in the screen print.
The message is not available in System Messages on Invantive Cloud, since the release shown was not integrated with Invantive Cloud.
It is possible that the license key used is not compatible with your release of Invantive Composition for Word.
As an alternative to upgrading to a support release, we recommend to use the original license key supplied. In case the original license key file or email is no longer available, you might want to check the form “License Keys” on Invantive Cloud.
It contains all keys dating back to 2014. Sort on the column “Generated” to find an old and active key.
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