The last 2-3 weeks we are running almost every night into errors when retrieving TransactionLines. We do this using the TransactionLinesIncremental OData endpoint from Azure Data Factory, and are also retrieving only modified records from the last 24 hours. After 20 minutes without a response the connection is closed. When running this query in the Invantive user interface it also takes a long time. Until a couple of weeks ago this happened sometimes, but now it is occuring almost everyday.
Is it possible to add a (anonymized) screenshot of the request details in Invantive Bridge Online Monitoring as described in More insight with new Bridge Online Monitoring?
Details can be found by clicking on the download request which represents the issue discussed in this topic.
Please leave at least the following data visible:
- the title bar with the request ID,
- the status code, network size and times in the left column,
- the error code and error message at the very bottom of the left column,
- the entire right column.
Please note that *Incremental
tables do NOT support filters by design across the whole download chain, so even a filter on records created today internally retrieves, updates and processes ALL rows.
Is it possible to also include the number of rows in your environment using the table RowCounts
as described in Estimate size of an Exact Online company ?
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Please ask a new question via a separate topic if the problem occurs again. Please include a link to this topic in the new question by pasting its URL into the text.
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