Itgenoam010 with QueryTool 22.0.647 failing to log into Exact Online

There seems to be a deviation from previous releases when the so-called “Implicit Grant Flow” is used. This is an authentication process in which the authentication is solely for 10 minutes, instead of longer as used by the “Code Grant Flow”.

It is recommended to activate the “Code Grant Flow” while the bug is being sorted out. Activating the “Code Grant Flow” is quite simple:

  • either provide a value for client secret in the log on form for Exact Online as shown in picture below,
  • or specify the client secret in the connectiong string using client-secret=VALUE.

The client secret can be found in the Exact App Center as described in:

An additional advantage that the needs to enter the verification code significantly reduces, since a so-called “refresh token” is acquired which stays valid on Exact Online unless generated on another device.

Enter client secret

Enter the client secret as shown below: